The Next Pharma & Screver

Improving Pharma Events: Insights from the NEXT Pharma


The NEXT Pharma Summit is a global pharma event. This multi-stage summit is dedicated to professionals and experts passionate about pharma and everything related to Digital, Medical Affairs, Tech, and more. The main goal is to lead, inspire, and celebrate the changes in the pharmaceutical industry. The Screver team is glad to be part of the NEXT Pharma Summit in Dubrovnik for the second time.

statistics of the next


The main task for Screver team was measuring attendee satisfaction and collecting valuable feedback before, during, and after the event. Also, the goal was to understand visitors’ expectations, collect real-time feedback through the key places of the summit (coffee point, reception, entrance), and ask attendees for insights to drive continuous improvement for the future NEXT Pharma Summit.

Challenge accepted 🤓, let’s see Screver in action:

We sent out a pre-event survey to all participants via a push notification in app in the morning.

app message next pharma

This survey collected information about attendees’ expectations, previous attendance, and roles (delegate or vendor). The responses helped the Next Pharma team to understand the needs of feedback and expectations of visitors.

before the Next


While we can’t disclose the exact numbers and percentages from the surveys, we can certainly highlight the overall trends and insights collected.

Real-Time Engagement at the Event


Why did we choose this screen? Because attendees could fill out surveys using their phone or tablet, whichever they liked. And the survey still looks great and is easy to use on any device.

Several QR-code stickers were placed around the event venue, including at registration, coffee stations, and entrances, to collect real-time feedback. Attendees could scan these cute QR codes to provide immediate feedback. Organizers received instant notifications, allowing for quick improvements during the event. Over 90% of participants expressed happiness and satisfaction with the NEXT Pharma Summit, indicating they had a great experience.


results of screver survey- next-pharma

Screver team is happy that you’re happy 😍

Speakers’ Experience

For speaker sessions, Screver made interactions smoother and content more relevant. Before a panel with four speakers, attendees used a QR code to prioritize discussion topics.

QR code speakers - next - pharma

It’s worth noting that the QR-codes were specially designed and personalized for the event. During presentations, a side screen featured a Q&A option with personal codes for attendees to submit questions. The results were displayed on a dashboard, showcasing audience engagement and key discussion points.

Christian Fillinger at the Next Pharma 2024


Worth to Failure Panel: Chasing Failure for Success

At the NEXT Pharma Summit, our CEO, Christian Fillinger, joined Michal Myszkowski, CEO of CX Advisory, Marco Andre, Global Head of Marketing & Gen AI Excellence from Novartis, and Julien Pahud, International Digital Health & Innovation Sr. Director from Eli Lilly to delve into the power of AI in healthcare. Their panel discussion, titled “Worth to Failure Panel: Chasing Failure for Success,” highlighted the unique journeys people take to achieve success.
Dr.Christian Fillinger shared his journey from founding Switzerland’s first online ETF asset management platform in 2009 to reshaping the pharmaceutical sector. The insights and principles we’ve applied at Capptoo are key to our success:

insights by Christian Fillinger at the Next pharma

The Know Your Customer principle has transformed our approach to customer engagement in pharma, borrowing strategies from finance to build stronger, more effective relationships in healthcare.

Post-Event Insights

After the event, Screver wrapped up with a post-event survey shared in a thank-you email. This survey captured overall experiences and suggestions for future events. The easy-to-work dashboard offered a clear view of feedback from start to finish, highlighting key takeaways and areas for improvement.

dashbord results-next-pharma


While we can’t disclose the exact numbers and percentages from the surveys, we can certainly highlight the overall trends and insights collected.

Key Points of Screver Support for the NEXT Pharma Summit in Dubrovnik 2024

The success of the NEXT Pharma Summit in Dubrovnik 2024, where expectations were met and almost 99% of attendees were happy, reflects the excellent work done by the event team.

  • Created personalized surveys before, during, and after the event.
  • Used super-cute, specially designed QR codes to collect real-time feedback.
  • Provided an easy-to-understand dashboard to show feedback instantly.
  • Highlighted top topics and questions during discussion panels.
  • Created emails to collect post-event feedback.

Screver Feedback Management platform supported the NEXT Pharma Summit by ensuring everyone was happy and their expectations were met. This showcased the success of the event team. We’re excited to continue our collaboration to make future events even better.


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